Perimenopause Decoded

With Catie's fifteen years of naturopathic experience, running sold-out workshops, a healthfood shop and a mulitmodality clinic there is one thing that she wants to bring you: Evidence-lead, effective real-world tools. I've walked this path professionally and personally—as a naturopath, a solo mom, small business owner and a woman navigating perimenopause. I have been neck deep in the research I have taken the herbs, tried the bio-hacks and given HRT a red hot crack too. 

Sign-up here for access to:

Small group workshops 
My sold-out workshops are like going to see a naturopath but with a bunch of other good people. Practical. Honest. Actionable tools.

Evidence-Led Articles
Every piece of advice comes with research to back it up. I'm breaking down complex medical information into actionable insights to empower you to understand your body.

Lifestyle Strategies That Make Sense
From nutrition to stress management, I'll show you how small, sustainable changes can make a massive difference in how you experience perimenopause.

Supplement Support, Demystified
Not all supplements are created equal. I'll help you understand what support your body wants during this transition, with transparent, research-based recommendations.

Someone in the middle of it with you. 

Perimenopause can feel lonely. But you're not alone. I'm here to guide you, support you, and remind you that this isn't a decline it is a transition—it doesn't last forever and you can feel good through it.

Read Catie's Perimenopause WTAF? article here.